Monday, May 10, 2010

Where's Your Sense of Humor?

The only way any of us will make it out of mortality SANE, is to have a sense of Humor!!! Don't complain how hard it is to have one child, let alone 2. Find JOY in the journey, or I promise you, you will be miserable. As my blog says, "Happiness Is Found Along the Way, NOT at the End Of The Road!!" You're talking to a girl who raised 6 kids by herself for 6 years. Beginning ages of that journey were 11- 3 weeks old. After being a Breast Cancer Survivor for 13 years, I was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer in my remaining breast. I'm scheduled for a mastectomy Friday, May 14, 2010. No pity party here! I had a friend come up to me and say, "This is your sad week, isn't it?" I replied, "Hey, I'll probably lose a pound or two without even trying!" When people call me or I call them, they always ask me how I am doing. I say great! Their reply? "NO YOU'RE NOT!!!" Who are they telling me how I feel? I had a very dear friend, who still is, tell me years ago at the beginning of my Single Parent Journey, that we all have two choices. "1. We can either pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off, or 2. We can sit and wallow in our self pity. I also know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who loves me dearly. Who wants the very best for me. If I survive Breast Cancer a second time, which I believe I is because of Him, it is His will for me. If I don't, I gladly accept that as His will for me. I hope you all realize that the same Heavenly Father who loves me, loves you too!!


Anonymous said...


Tami and Aaron said...

I second that AMEN!

Bon said...

love you shirl!

Nicholle said...

I did learn the glad game from you. You always find the good in things! Thanks for teaching me that! Love ya!

Flo said...

I hope you are doing great!!! I POSTED PICTURES ON MY BLOG AND FACEBOOK. Take a look of them and let me know which ones you like the most so I can print them so you can have new pictures of the kids and also I will print some for Glenn's office. LOVE YOU!!

Lisa said...

That is an awesome entry thankyou for sharing it. You are such an amazing person and you are in our prayers.