Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life is Great!!

Well, I thought I would give a little up-date on my post-surgery progress. I had my final drain taken out yesterday. Do you know how happy it makes me to be drain free? I feel like a liberated woman! I am still wearing my pajamas. But when I go out, I get dressed. I have had 3 outings since my surgery. 2 of those were to the surgeon to take my drains out. Oh what fun!!!! The other was a chauffered (sp) ride to the drive in at the bank. (Thanks Sue)! I am cancer free.....I will not have to have Chemo or Radiation...nor will I have to take any post-cancer oral medications!!!!! Note here one of my philosophies of life: "There is ALWAYS something to be glad about." I guess I should tell you the story behind me still being in my pajamas: When I was being discharged from the hospital, I was thanking my nurses for their great care, and they responded: "No thank you for being so positive and cheerful." I said, "well there is a downside to being positive and cheerful, and that is people think you are completely well, and should resume your normal activities." One nurse said, "that is why you go home, put your pajamas on, and keep them on until you are ready to get dressed, cause the minute you get dressed, everyone will expect you to start cooking, cleaning, etc".....So that is why I share with all of you that I am still wearing my pajamas!!!


cryssal said...

I am glad you are still PJing it! Take your time, I think you have enough sick days built up!

Jen said...

Keep those pjs on. I agree with that philosophy, and you deserve down time more than anyone I know! I love your positive attitude, though, and wish I could come take care of you for a change! Love ya!

Lisa said...

That is good to know. I think I need to try out that PJ thing once in awhile.
Im so happy you are doing better, congrats.

Koni Frost said...

ain't that the truth (about the jammies).
Just got updated on your blog and what you're going through. You're amazing. I love your outlook on life; your positive attitude, that you're doing GOOD, and you always have a sense of humor! :) I'm happy to hear you are cancer free.HOORAY! Loves from Texas!

Greg and Alysia said...

I agree with the PJ philosophy completely! Thank you so much for the get well card, that was so thoughtful of you. I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well and that you won't need any other treatment. I hope that everything continues to go well for you and your family.