Monday, April 25, 2011

Miracles never cease!!

So, after 30 years of not touching a sewing machine....I made pillows for my "Makeover" downstairs....I used the material that I used to re-upholster the chairs....
These were two body pillows I have had for years.....
I was quite excited with how they turned out! Perfect? I didn't say that, of course not, but I sewed them, and I hope they will get used for a long time. They may not have been made with expertise....but they were surely made with love, and with Rebecca's sewing machine..... thanks Rebecca for letting me borrow your sewing machine.....
I had little of this material left, so I used a solid brown for the back, and had to piece the print and sew it together, so I had no room for matching the print.....Oh the love....My friend is making the cover for the bench...I should be posting that this week!!! Then all I need our my curtains.....


abby said...

i love the fabrics you chose! shocked that you're not a sewer- i thought you were! well it looks like you've got the skill anyway!

Reba said...

Ma, they look great!