Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Jen said...

Looks like a blast. What an awesome place to visit! I hope Rachel and fam are doing great! I am sure they are desperately missing you now that you are home!

Nicholle said...

That does look like so much fun!

cryssal said...

I will have to try the NY thing sometime with someone much braver than me.

Lisa said...

Sorry to post this on your blog but I don't know how to get ahold of you another way.
Im putting together a surprise party for Adam on Friday
April 3rd. I will send out the location and direction later but save the evening for Adam. I am working on finding a centeral location for everyone.

Please Please Help me to make this a special day for Adam. Tell everyone they are invited. The more people that come the better this party will be.
I am putting together a book of thoughts, memories or whatever nice you want to say to Adam. I need them from all of his family and friends. Please have those to me by April 1st. You can email me at Or mail them to 14 W 3100 S, Bountiful 84010.
I am also putting together a special video for Adam so I need lots of pictures of him.

Thank you Lisa