Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where have all my grandbabies gone?

Then they took Leah and Noah, and now Enoch, and baby Joseph. I will not have any grandbabies here. It looks like I am going to have to have an extended Pity Party.


cryssal said...

I hope I am invited! It is so nice to hear that there are grandparents that love their grandchildren so much!

Jordan said...

You and Renee should start a long distance grandparents club. I feel bad for my mom all the time that she only sees her grandkids about twice a year. I feel like my kids are missing out too. Wish we could all live by each other. By the way love the blog and miss you guys. Love you!

abby said...

sister t, you can devote all your grandmothering skills to our kids. we wouldn't mind. :)

Sue said...

I know how you feel. Little Emma just left yesterday to go back to New Mexico. There's nothing like being a grandma is there? I love it.