Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More of The Returning Missionary

Returning with Honor

On May 15, 2008, Elder Mike Cengiz, returned home from his mission.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where have all my grandbabies gone?

Then they took Leah and Noah, and now Enoch, and baby Joseph. I will not have any grandbabies here. It looks like I am going to have to have an extended Pity Party.
They are taking another granbaby away from me.....first it was annie and ryan now it's hannah

There oughta be a law

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Surprise

Rachel and Hannah decided to surprise me for mother's day and came down to go to church with us.

more of my favorite mom's

These are a few of my favorite moms and future mom's

Have the happiest mother day and I hope you have some surprises and peace and quiet....

Maple Mountain GreenHouse

Now if your are all wondering where I got those BEAUTIFUL flowers on my front porch, they are from Maple Mountain GreenHouse in Mapleton, Utah. I drove there yesterday and was amazed at what I saw...


I went for a walk with Glenn this morning around our property, and I thought I would share those pictures with you........we are so blessed.......

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Special Time With Grampa

Hannah has been quite sick this past week. Her momma brought her down today for a visit, and she was so much better. She really had fun with grampa and even helped him mow. Grampa was sitting in his rocking chair and she moved him out. she wanted to read by herself.

It's that time of year

Glenn has been anxious to get the garden in. With the weather being so cold, he wondered if he would ever get it in....but today....Matt helped him plant. There's green beans, corn, tomatoes, bell peppers.....potatoes.....purple hull peas...strawberries....cucumbers.....and much more......we went from 80 tomato plants two years ago to 50 last year, and now this year we have 30.