Friday, March 15, 2013

Welcoming Parker

 Hannah LOVES her new baby brother!
 Daddy built a tunnel in the snow....Lucy like it!
 Hannah going through the tunnel....
 Grama and Hannah making snow angels.
We went to a children's museum and Lucy loved this motorcycle...
 Hannah loved climbing...Lucy was too small to climb...
 And Hannah loved making bubbles...if you look close to the left, you can see the big bubble she made.
 Lucy loves putting puzzles together...
 Lucy wanted to hold her baby brother too...
 Daddy, Hannah(you have to look for her) and Lucy going down the BIG HILL!!!!
 Parker having a I didn't use the Ajax to bathe him!!!!
 Princess Lucy and Princess Hannah getting ready to eat Lucy's birthday cake and icecream!
 Hannah and Lucy going down the hill....Lucy got away!
Lucy blowing out her candles!   Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!!


Nicholle said...

Love all the pics! You are the best Grandma EVER!

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh Rachel's girls are getting so big!! And congratulations on your handsome new grandson! He is adorable!! The girls look like they are crazy about him! :)

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