Friday, March 12, 2010

March - Birthday Month

It's great being 56...
My baby, who just so happened to turn 23....strawberry shortcake was his request! Guess who ate the chocolate on top?

March is birthday month around here...Andrew's birthday was on the 6th...Mark's on the 7th....Randy Joe was on the 10th....Mike's the 11th along with Austin Frost.....and mine, was on the 2nd. Happy birthday everyone. I was only able to get pictures of two of the birthday kids.


cryssal said...

I will add how yummy Mikies birthday dinner was! Come to think of it your birthday dinner was way yummy too! Gald I could do so much celebrating with you this month!

Nicholle said...

You are the most beautiful birthday girl....EVER!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!

Reba said...

Ma you are so purdy. So is that cake!