Saturday, November 1, 2008

My New Friend

I made a new friend this last week. Her name is Emilee. I learned about her story through the newspaper. She is a cancer patient. So I wanted to visit with her and share my cancer story with her and hear her story. She is an inspiration to all who know her! She has 3 boys, ages 14, 12, and 8, and a wonderful husband. She is also terminal. She has been fighting cancer for 5 years. She is 36 years old and has her Master's Degree in German. Here is her blog spot address in case you want to read it. Life is so short so love those around you everyday! And don't sweat the HARD stuff. And for Heaven's sake, Have a sense of humor and laugh. Love, Shirl/Mom

1 comment:

Sue said...

Did you get a quarter for meeting a new friend? When our kids were little and we would go visit other wards we would "pay" our kids to meet new friends. It helped them break out of their shyness (our kids shy?). They had to bring their new friend to us and introduce them to get the quarter....seriously now, I'm sure that you will bring this new friend joy and hope with your dynamic personality and love for life.